Would You be Happy?

If you were hit by a bus today, would you be happy with the people you were spending your last moments with?

Would you be happy with the dreams you’ve pursued, and the ones you haven’t?

Would you be happy with the job you do every day being what goes on your obituary?

Would you be happy with what you are doing right now, day in day out, whatever it is?

Would you be happy with the relationship you’re in being your last?

Would you be happy with the group of people you surround yourself with being the people you are forever a part of?

Would you be happy with the things you said to loved ones without reconciliation?

Would you be happy with the things you haven’t said but know deep in your soul need to be said?

Would you be happy with the unresolved conflicts you thought you could be angry about for longer?

Would you happy with your relationship with your family?

Would you be happy with how many creative projects you started, and how many you didn’t?

Would you be happy with how many ideas became realities?

Would you be happy with yourself?

Life is short. There’s no time to not live well. So quit that miserable job, end the toxic relationship, move to a better place, and make that long overdue phone call.

It’s not worth it to waste time not chasing your definition of happiness. Now go.