Why I Love Quora and Why You Should Too

Quora has been around for several years, but it’s just starting to really pick up. Here’s how I’d describe it:

Quora is a beautiful body of knowledge and an example of what the internet is all about.

So… what is it? It’s kind of like Yahoo Answers, but comparing it to Yahoo Answers is unfair and inaccurate. 

Anybody on Quora can ask a question, any question. From “Shoukd I go to college or start my career?” to “What is the theory of relativity?” Anyone can also answer questions however they choose. 

“So… how is it different?” Unlike other question-answer sites or forums, Quora has a complex (meaning I have no idea how it works specifically) algorithm that analyzes and weeds out almost all low-quality answers and questions. It’s pretty damn effective, too. 

The questions and answers that appear in your Quora feed are always of the highest quality, and when you ask a question, you’ll be delighted at the kind of answers you get. It’s a centralization of some of the most intelligent and competent writers and knowledge-sharers I know. It may not seem like much, but it’s an always-evolving think tank that will continue to become one of the most valuable resources on the internet.

If you don’t have an account, make one and start asking and answering. You won’t regret it.