Why College Success Statistics Are Meaningless

Number one “go to college” argument: 

College graduates are on average more successful than people without a college degree. They make [insert money amount] more than people without a degree. Statistically, it’s more logical to go to college.

Those who say this are not focusing on the independent variable. 

Successful people who go to college are not successful because they go to college. They are successful because they are driven, and they are in college because they were conditioned from elementary school to believe college is an integral part of success. They want to be successful, so they went to college. You see statistics that show the average income of a college graduate is higher than that of someone without a degree, but this has little to do with the degree.

The people who are financially successful would be financially successful regardless. They have just been convinced that college is necessary, and since they are driven, they do what is “necessary.” 

Take almost any highly successful graduate, remove college from the equation, and you’ll see little if any difference. 

Drive is why people are successfull. Not college.