Volatility + Gratitude + Interest = More Fun Challenges

I’ve radically altered paths on multiple occasions. My life feels volatile as hell.

But I don’t mind. I find Jackson interesting because his life is unpredictable. Living is like watching an engaging movie.

I think facing radical life changes with this mindset (being excited by how reality happens before you, rather than stressed) is great. I could lose almost everything tomorrow and I could get excited about the challenge. It wouldn’t be that bad.

Of course, difficult situations are difficult, and that sucks, but when you’re interested in everything and maintain a fundamental gratitude for the miracle of your consciousness, almost any challenge becomes a game.

This isn’t some life hack nonsense to force you to feel a certain way. Reality actually is spectacular and grand and being conscious our mere privilege to experience it all is pretty damn awesome.

When life’s volatility is overwhelming, add gratitude and be consciously interested in what’s happening in front of you, and most challenges become fun.