The Desires Inventory

I find it valuable to periodically take an inventory of what I want and ask if what I’m doing right now is what I want or if it will lead me there. If what I’m doing does not lead me to where I want, I try to alter my path.

Since few young peeps (including me) have a clear idea of what they want, the response might be, “Well I don’t know what I want longterm, so how can I know if I’m moving in that direction?”

This is a legit concern but it’s based on a confusion. Waiting around doesn’t bestow anyone with the knowledge of what they want out of their whole life. The only way to figure out what we want is to TRY THINGS!

I have a clearer idea of what I want than most young people because at 18, I’ve lived in five cities, freelanced, worked multiple jobs of very different industries, worked remote, worked in an office, dealt with different bosses, and tried all kinds of new crap. But I still don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing in ten years. Why should I? Humans change constantly.

If thinking of what you want is intimidating, ask, “What do I want to be doing right now?” It could be sitting on a beach or being at a corporate office or living in Nepal. Then ask if what you’re doing right now gets you closer to that. If the answer is no, change it so the answer is yes, even if the change only gets you 1% closer.

Caveat: This isn’t an encouragement to engage in gluttony or destructive behavior. If you feel like getting drunk every weekend for five years, it might be good to ask about long-term consequences. As always, do things your future self will thank you for.