How Legit is Praxis?

In response to the Quora question “How legit is Discover Praxis? I said:

Praxis is the most legit of anything legit, ever. It’s the legitest thing you’ll likely find in your lifetime.
It’s more than you can possible imagine. Praxis isn’t just an apprenticeship or an entrepreneurship program. It’s a community, a powerful idea, and a entire reprogramming of your thinking.

When you join Praxis, you’ll be given access to a community of intellectuals and open-minded gods that will make your brain explode. You won’t be able to comprehend how you never found this before. This extraordinary group of individuals is what you’ve been looking for your entire life, and your single one and only regret will be that you didn’t join earlier.

The community will support every single aspiration, dream, and goal you have. What makes it special, though, is that it is so much better than normal entrepreneurial communities. Praxians will become your best friends. You’ll be able to talk about personal challenges that inhibit your program and get advice from people just like you. There is no wall, no pressure to seem like a confident, perfect entrepreneur, and absolutely no feeling of intimidation. Just yesterday, the CEO of Praxis noticed many participates were struggling with personal fulfillment, and wrote an inspiring message custom tailored to us for that day.

The pride you might notice in Praxians is there for a reason. This group is arguably the most valuable community you will ever join in your life, ever. It is in the same realm of importance to my life as discovering my personal identity.

Praxis will change your life. This isn’t an advertisement, this is the truth. Exposure to the community of Praxians will make you happier than almost any discovery you’ll ever make. The authenticity is unchallengeable. So please, go, and discover Praxis.