Get Over It

The most rational thing to do when someone offends you is to just get over it. In professional disputes especially, it’s best for everyone to just move on. By letting someone else’s actions or words offend you, you lay down your rationality and allow your mind to be ruled by emotion. 

If you take action based on your being offended, you lay down your willpower. Your actions are not based on your own reasoning, but whims of emotion. You’ve given external influences authority over your consciousness.

Getting over it means stopping, realizing that it’s better to leave the situation alone, making ammends if necessary, and moving on. People will always say and do things that rub you the wrong way; that’s inevitable. 

What you can control is your own action. If you act with complete integrity, you’ll always come out on top. But if you allow getting offended to dictate your actions, people will notice and will cease to see you as a leader.