Do Not Feel You Are Enough, Know It

You often feel you are not enough. You experience the tightness of your body that tells you that you would be enough if only you were different. If you were more productive, more masculine, more able to relax, more able to feel your emotions, more confident, more happy, more in touch with your enoughness. You tell yourself you will be enough once you feel enough. 

It is a vicious cycle, and if you could get in touch with the truth that you are necessarily enough, your suffering would plummet.

You close your eyes, determined to “feel” the truth. “I am enough,” you tell yourself, and then immediately look to see if you feel it, if it lands on you. You look to assert your enoughness to yourself, but you will never get what you seek this way.

For the truth you are enough is not something you feel. It is something you know. The knowledge that you are enough is not an emotion, so when you assert your enoughness and then look to see if you “feel” it, you fail. It is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. It is knowledge.

Know you are enough. Affirm to yourself that you are enough and do not look to see if it lands. Do not engage in an expense of effort to “feel” enough. Simply know it, because it is a piece of information. Whether you feel sad, happy, angry, or scared upon thinking of it, it is still true. The emotion you feel regarding your enoughness is not relevant to its truth. 

You can feel enough this instant by thinking the thought you are enough. See the difference between thought and emotion. Know you are enough. Do not look into your feelings to determine if it has landed on you. If you engage in effort to feel the enoughness, you will not, because the effort itself is telling you that you aren’t. When you know it, the effort is unnecessary.

As long as you evaluate how well you know your enoughness by how much you “feel” enoughness, you will struggle. When you know your enoughness, you may feel warm, safe, comfortable, happy, at ease for the first time, but these are effects, not the cause. 

It is necessary that you are enough, there is no other option. If you were not, matter would split, and it is still together. In your enoughness, you may finally experience emotions with even more depth than before, but if you identify your enoughness with your emotions, you will lose it the moment your emotions change. Identify your enoughness with its inherent truth, and experience peace.