
When you feel afraid, tune into your agency. When you feel any inner disturbance, tune into your agency. You have the option to react or not react to any disturbance you choose. Often, not reacting will yield the result you want more than reacting will. 

Sit down on the ground and feel your ability to choose. Something will arise. An emotion will call your attention. Choose to remain seated in this position. Do not fall into the distraction. It will use every means it has to convince you it is important, but nothing is more important than this.

At any time, when your head becomes foggy, when you feel tension and pain, when you are not present, when you crave relief and distraction, tune into your agency, and feel instant peace. For from this place, everything is under your control. When you are seated in the command station of your reality, nothing can harm you.

Tune into your agency. It holds your power, your peace, your life. 

The fear may remain in your chest, but it has no power over you. You have connected with something deeper. The physical sensation of emotion remains but underneath it, behind it, you are peace. You are not reacting to the chaos. It is present but does not affect you.

From this seat of agency, you have the power to ask yourself what you will do with it. Here you are, connected with your power, with your life force itself, and now you must decide what to do. Mediating here forever is an option. 

Ask yourself what you would do if you had absolute control over your experience. Connected with your power, you now decide what to do. As you look into yourself, an answer may become clear. When you ask yourself what you will do with this power, you may know what to do. 

Remember this agency. Remember your wisdom. Remember your power.